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Space warfare is two pieces of leather puppet doll that looked like the two main characters of Star Wars films. It is produced by Tintoy Chuo and Teh Take Huat. Statue of Emperor Dah Vedeh shadowgraph and Perantau Langit combines western elements with fictional Star Wars puppets tradition of Kelantan. In the Star Wars character Darth Vader is the antagonist traditional Rawana Emperor while Luke Skywalker is the protagonist character Seri Rama.

Take Huat Tintoy and select the cooperation and consent of the leading mastermind Che Mohd Nasir before embarking mash up sci-Fi + Old skool this. They met with Che Mohd Nasir in advance to ensure that what they do is not be considered as an insult art shadowgraph believed hereditary appear in Kelantan around the 17th century. Che Mohd Nasir or better known as Pak Nasir felt the idea of ​​Star Wars is a good idea because it may revive interest in the younger generation to the art of growing this dipinggarkan. Condition given by Mr. Nasir is the art of shadow play Star Wars does not include the amount of sex and sexual as this against the tradition of shadow puppets.

The two statues of Emperor Dah Vedeh and Perantau Langit already sold but Tintoy and Take Huat already started planning for their next project. This time C3P0 and Princess Leia were going to get their touches. Can't wait!
