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Canonical already demonstrated the concept of Ubuntu Edge device that can dual- boot operating system Ubuntu and Android . However , Ubuntu Edge unfulfilled , but today the Ubuntu has already introduced the application of a dual-boot Ubuntu Preview version for developers.

Using the application , it will allow users to easily boot between Android and Ubuntu directly on their mobile device . From what was shown , things are done in a special application that controls the reboot and choose the operating system .

What do you think of mobile devices dual- bootIa seen this support is still in early development stages , but for those who are interested can download and try it on their devices . Canonical only provides the installation files for the Nexus 4 , but it is expected to be used in a variety of other Nexus devices .

We have not yet had the opportunity to try it this time. If you've managed to give it a try , do not forget to share your views with respect thereto.
