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Ondel Ondel is a giant puppet show Betawai originating from Indonesia. Ondel Ondel show is usually done when the entertainment as it is believed able to keep the community from bad luck and disaster hit. Puppet Ondel Ondel usually as high as 2.5 meters and is made from bamboo and paper. Puppet Ondel Ondel men have traditionally had a red face while the women Ondel Ondel have his white face.

In addition to performing in Batavia Ondel Ondel can also be found in Pasundan and known as Badawang. In Central Java was it known as Barongan snaps. It is believed to show Ondel Ondel originally represent ancestral spirits of the deceased and the presence of quasi-Ondel Ondel menberi thanks and good luck to their descendants. Ondel Ondel presentation can now be seen done on the road.

Although the current booming development there are still young people of Indonesia who increasingly lapsed brings art and making a living source.

source Wikipedia photo by Tarlen Handayani
